1-on-1 Coaching
What’s included
Weekly Check-ins
When you purchase my 12-week Transformation Package, you get access to 1-on-1 coaching sessions every week. These sessions are designed to guide you to continue to make positive nutrition and lifestyle choices along your journey.
Private App
Through this app, you will receive:
Daily 2-3 minute lessons on nutrition and lifestyle as well as check in messages from coach
Ability to message me 24/7
Food journal reviews
Accountability through daily habit tracker
Lots of resources!
Future-mindset mapping
Besides overcoming your current obstacles, I also want to help you make this a lifestyle versus another diet. Based on our 1-on-1 sessions, I’ll help you begin shifting your mindset to continue success once coaching is no longer a necessity.
12-Week Transformation Program
This 12-week course educates you in which foods work best to balance your blood sugar and lower your insulin levels in order to relieve your symptoms. It is primarily tailored for women who are looking to improve their energy levels, regulate their hormones, and possibly lose some inches. Lastly, we address lifestyle factors that can be affecting your goals such as sleep habits, stress management, and movement.
What you receive during these 12 weeks:
1-hour long initial health intake session where we go through your current lifestyle and what initial changes to make
Weekly coaching check-ins
Once a month live coaching call (optional)
24/7 access to ask any questions via private app
Access to order blood labs and interpretation from a functional standpoint
Quality supplements at a discounted rate
Resources such as grocery lists, foods to avoid, and more
Personalized macronutrients adjusted throughout program
Guidance in what are best food sources for protein and fat
But what is the BEST thing you get in this program is hormonal balance and metabolic freedom!